
Work in Progress

As if learning Unity wasn't enough, trying my hand at Unreal too, and on the side Blender as well.

L.K. Tron

Concept: 7th guest like game
Story: Electron interacts with other fundamental particles, while solving puzzles
Status: Essence of game navigation (blueprint) finished, what puzzle goes where established
the mock-up is based on a FPS, I'm going to get rid of the gun!

Landscape Resume

Concept: traveling in a landscape of work experience, education, software, art and music
Status: main principle of guided navigation (blueprint) finished, creating assets, figuring out how to have a good looking day-night cycle

site map

side (GoogleMaps) by side (Unreal): Stedin (left) and Eneco (right)
GfE building


Unity: Own work

Buckyball <- link to online version

A venture into 3D again. It's been a while :-)
Do try to use the arrow keys ....

Little soundless teaser:

World of Sba

A virtual tour in an exhibition space with interactive floors and soundscape rooms.
Themed around water and diamond.

Downloadable executables available for Windows and Mac
(Mac versions has some issues, as I can't test it myself)

Capture of the Guided Tour on Youtube:
Probably not working online version is here. Local test had "memory issues".

Below the teasers leading up to the release

2017-06-19: Teaser #4

Who wouldn't like to visit an exhibition in a floating tent that has on the inside a dome like this and a pool with music making floating balls, where you can walk on water and enjoy a intricate water-fountain-ballet? #WelcomeToTheWorldOfSba

2017-06-18: Teaser #3

Who wouldn't like to visit an exhibition in a floating tent that has on the inside a dome like this and a pool with music making floating balls? Spoiler alert: all around the premise are trigger points to add more balls ... #WelcomeToTheWorldOfSba

2017-06-15: Teaser #2

Who would like to visit an exhibition in a floating tent that has on the inside a dome like this? #WelcomeToTheWorldOfSba

2017-06-14: Teaser #1

Who would like to visit an exhibition in a floating tent like this one? #WelcomeToTheWorldOfSba

20176-06-01: Crowd Control Simulation

Trying out having 'people' walk around in a room. Because being at an exhibition on your own - could be nice, but is highly unlikely.
Experimenting with speed and number of people allowed in.

2017-04-18: Mesmerizing little green balls

Screen capture from the first two minutes of a game scene in Unity that - further developed - will be part of bigger experience aka Project C/H2O aka graduation-concert-without-degree. A very keen viewer might recognize a little "walking through the un-intentional Mandala" in it.

Byebye Monkey, Hello Rooster

Unity: tutorial projects
Space Shooter

Roll a Ball


Work in Progress


LED Cube 3x3x3

For travelling purposes, and to accompany me when giving the 'art with excel'-workshop, there is a mini version of the 4x4x4 cube.
It has a stand-alone state as well.

LED Cube 4x4x4

In collaboration with HET LAB Rotterdam (makerspace) and Agron Bygyti (designer) we have made an installation for the MuseumNext conference in Rotterdam, June 27th, 2017.

Walking Light: arduino controlled 4 x 4 x 4 LED Cube, with additional control from an Excel sheet for movement in x-, y- or z-direction. With complementary sounds at each light - that can be changed by player.

A copy of the Excel file can be found here